Blog post by Jana Harp Dean, President of OneMaker and consultant to organizations starting businesses to employ poor women in developing countries. OneMaker is a 501c3 organization that exists to be a tangible expression of God’s love to poor women and girls vulnerable to trafficking and other exploitation by giving them opportunities through education and
Tag Archives: BAM
The Great Commission Strategy
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). I recently heard a story of a kingdom business steward who, after many years of sharing the Gospel with one of his employees who worked in the sales department, finally won him over to the Lord. During an event the employee
Spiritual Convergence
originally published on the Kingdom Business Blog – October 17th, 2008 Update for The Africa Project: Regent Center for Entrepreneurship’s Tom Stansbury visited Opportunity International’s Board of Governors’ meeting in Chicago earlier this month. RCE has begun partnering with Os Hillman of, who sends 160,000 Marketplace Meditations each day to Christians in business worldwide.