Be a Visiting Executive
What is it About?
Local facilitators in each Business Development Center (BDC) location deliver the entrepreneurial training program developed by RCE. Often, the cities where BDCs are located lack role models of successful Christian entrepreneurs. We try to fill that void by recruiting Visiting Executives (VEs) — mature Christian executives and entrepreneurs who travel to a BDC location to bring encouragement, wise counsel, and personal testimony of God at work in and through their business careers.
Why Would I Want to Do it?
Most visiting executives report a double blessing from the experience. They see their knowledge and experience bless emerging entrepreneurs, and they are blessed by the cross-cultural experience and personal relationships that form quickly during their time at a BDC. Many say that it is the most impactful ministry experience they have ever had because they are using the business gifts and experience God has deposited in them to further His kingdom through business. Several have continued their relationships with the BDC entrepreneurs by becoming RCE Distance Consultants to those entrepreneurs and by making subsequent VE trips to the same BDC.
What Does a Typical Trip Look Like?
The typical VE trip lasts about a week. Upon arrival, the VE meets the BDC team and gets a local orientation. The next few days involve one-on-one visits with entrepreneurs in the program and sharing personal testimony and business wisdom in class sessions. If their schedule allows, VEs often finish their trip with a sightseeing outing to a tourist destination, such as a game park.
Visiting Executives get to serve as a direct catalyst in our core mission – transforming people and nations through business.
How Do I Know If It’s Right For Me?
Whether you’re an existing business owner, pastor, organizational director, or a leader of the kingdom business movement; whatever the title or business background, we believe that you have a valuable story to share.
If you or anyone you know has a heart for the nations and the desire to teach, coach, and empower, we encourage you to get in touch today and/or share this page with them.
If this opportunity sounds handmade for you please fill out our preliminary application &/or contact us here or at with any specific questions today! We will be in touch shortly after to set-up a time to chat and provide you with more information.
*Please Note: Becoming a Visiting Executive is a volunteer opportunity and at the expense of each VE. Although you will be covering the expenses, the BDC team in-country will be glad to organize your local arrangements, including lodging, transportation, and schedule.
We can’t wait to hear from you! To read more about a past Visiting Executives’ experience read success stories on our blog, like the one of Darrell Frick.