Thurs, April 28, 2011
Dr. John Mulford
Hamim dropped by the office to pay his bill. It is so rewarding to hear how the program is impacting the class. He and Jacques, a classmate, have started a football (soccer to us) academy. They had dreamed about it for years, but couldn’t figure out how to start. Ntare, a graduate from the first class, encouraged them to attend the course. They learned that they could start small, which they did. Hamim also mentioned that has a small business in Congo. He said that it almost failed, but that the skills he has learned in our course helped him to revive it.
Tonight, Willie started his presentation by asking the class how many had parents who could not read or write. No one raised a hand. He was surprised because 57% of Rwandans can’t. His business is developing dramas to explain government laws and regulations to those who can’t read. After class, he told me that his parents can’t read or write. He grew up in a village where working in the field was valued more than education. He said that if it hadn’t been for his Compassion International Sponsor’s encouragement, he probably wouldn’t have graduated from high school and he never would have thought about college. He wishes he could meet his sponsor to thank him for changing his life. I am frequently reminded that small things we do (that is, things that don’t inconvenience us much) can have an enormous impact on others. Don’t weary of doing good.