Category Archives: Visiting Executive

A Visiting Executive Goes to Rwanda

Earlier this year, the Regent Center for Entrepreneurship  matched Patrice, a graduate of the BDC, with Richard Miller, a visiting executive from the US. Richard coached and mentored Patrice and they developed a close bond. Patrice invited Richard to serve on the board of directors for his organization and then invited him to visit Rwanda in

Progress, Progress, Progress for BDC Rwanda

February 9, 2012 Tonight we had open house, and I think we set a new record – We had 30 guests! We are running a contest among our entrepreneurs to see who can get the most interested people to attend an open house.  We know that the ability to be persuasive is key to entrepreneurial

Continued Faithfulness and Provision in Rwanda

By Dr. John Mulford // Originally Published January 19th, 2012 Been so busy the last ten days, I’m just now coming up for air to write a few thoughts. I don’t know why I’m always amazed to see God show up in a miraculous way.  It happens every time I come to Rwanda.  I’m overwhelmed