The Lord is my Chairman

“The Lord is my Sheperd; I shall not want”. Psalm 23:1

The chairman is the highest ranking officer on the board of a corporation. Though there is a slight difference between the board chairman of a non-profit and a for-profit organization, the basic responsibilities are the same. The chairman presides over the meetings and provides the leadership to ensure that the organization achieves its mission in a fiscally responsible way. There are times however when this title is merely an honorary designation without any actual executive responsibility. This is especially the case with respect to some for-profits organizations. However in a non-profit environment the board chairman always has a fiscal obligation because the government requires non-profit entities to be particularly accountable to a board.

I have operated a non-profit organization for the past 13 years and have been blessed to have great individuals serve as chairman of our board; individuals that can hold me accountable and to whom I can run to for guidance and support. Individuals that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt have my best interest and the interest of the organization at heart. As great as these individuals have been there is no greater chairman than the Lord Jesus Christ. Whether or not you have an actual board, you need a chairman. Someone you can look to for guidance and accountability. Someone you can run to for support and encouragement. There is no greater chairman then Jesus. The very familiar Psalm 23 written by King David, where he describes God as his shepherd, is a great illustration of what we can expect of our Lord Jesus Christ as chairman of our board of directors. King David understood the importance of God as his chairman as he faced attacks from competing nations, the potential overthrow of his government from within, and even from his own character flaws.

He recognized that he needed a chairman he could rely upon for guidance, accountability, support and encouragement.

As you face the challenges of growing a kingdom business be encouraged by these words as you look to Jesus as the Chairman of your board. Make this a part of your business plan and mediate on it daily:

The Lord is my chairman; I shall not want (no matter the economic condition).

He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me besides still waters. He restores my soul;

He leads me in the paths of righteousness For his name’s sake (after all it is His company).

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, (where there is competition, economic crises, limited cash flow, distrust, uncollected receivables, growing payables), I will fear no evil; for He is with me;

His rod and His staff comfort me (His rod and staff is used for discipline and protection but yields the fruit of comfort).

He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies (He will cause you to prevail in the mist of your competitors and those haters who do not want you to succeed).

He anoints my head with oil; My cup runs over (there is an overflow of joy, gratitude and peace that passes all of your understanding once you have this knowledge that your Chairman Jesus will never leave you and never forsake you).

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and business; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Wow, now I understand why, when David had moral failure and his Chairman gave him the option of personal discipline by Him or by his enemies, he chose to be disciplined by his Chairman. I understand why he had great confidence when he went out to battle even as a young man going against a lion, bear, and a giant. I understand why, when faced with an overthrow of his government by his own son, he did not take matters into his own hands but trusted his Chairman to restore his kingdom.

Is the Lord your chairman? What business issues are you facing? What concerns have you been attempting to address on your own? Why don’t you call a board meeting with God the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and cast your cares upon them since you have the assurance that He cares for you. Keep this prayer in your office and use it to remind yourself during the difficult times who your chairman is and the assurances you have in His promises.

Copyright © 2009 Patrice Tsague ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

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