The 4 Principles of Leadership

Moses’ father-in-law replied, “What you are doing is not good. You and these people who come to you will only wear yourselves out. The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone. Exodus 18:18-19

Does the world need another document written on leadership? So many people have written oceans books on every dimension of leadership that one can find. I definitely claim no unique revelation though I must obey my father and bring out that which He has given me. The success of every family, business and government depends solely on its leadership. There is no other greater position upon which rest the rise and fall of any institution. I believe that is why there can never be too much written or read on the subject, it is just that important.

Are Biblical Entrepreneurs leaders? If they are not, then who else can be? As a matter of fact I believe more people are leaders then we think. There are two types of leaders; born leaders and learned leaders. Though they are very few born leaders, most individuals are in position of leadership and as a result must learn how to lead. Position of leadership include: parent, older sibling, committee head, head of a business or organization, supervisor or manager, etc… All of us who find ourselves in any of these positions must take the responsibility to learn how to lead.

As for Biblical Entrepreneurs, like Moses we are called to lead our employees, customers and community from the bondage of an economic system that puts money above God, greed above love, and profits above people to a system that recognizes God as the owner and sovereign ruler of the universe and us are the stewards who must give Him an account for our service to humanity and our handling of His resources. Therefore, as Jethro reminded Moses, we must be reminded that we can not do it by ourselves. We must inspire the people around us to work with us to realize the vision the Lord has laid on our hearts. Leadership is the ability cast a clear vision and provide direction and guidance to others through your example and influence. In order to be an effective leader they are four basic principles that you must continuously walk in.

The principles are as follows:

  1. Leadership is service – effective leadership begins with service. Every leader is a servant but every servant is not necessary a leader. To serve is to put the needs of others before your own. The distinction between a leader and a servant is that a servant is only responsible to fulfill an assignment or project while a leader must not only serve but also assume the position of authority and the responsibility of oversight. Faithful service leads to greater responsibilities.
  2. Leaders must be responsible – as effective leaders serve faithfully they are rewarded with greater responsibilities. To be responsible is to accept the demands to serve honorably without superior authority and oversight. Effective leaders do not need on site supervision but rather they are always mindful of the responsibilities bestow upon them. If a responsible leader is to be effective he or she must delegate.
  3. Leaders must delegate – A responsible leader is able to delegate effectively to ensure that work gets done, without relinquishing his/her responsibility. The more faithful a leader is in their responsibilities the more responsibilities they are given therefore being able to delegate effectively is necessary for them to be able to handle their growing responsibilities. To delegate means to transfer the control of an assignment or project to someone, as well as the ability and authority to carry it out without relinquishing your responsibility. Remember you can not delegate something you have not fully taken responsibility for and delegation does not relinquish you of your responsibilities. Effective delegation leads to accountability.
  4. Leadership accountability – Everyone is accountable to someone; effective leaders must give an account and they must demand account from those who report to them. To be accountable is to assume responsibility to achieve certain goals and provide ongoing reports on the status of the goals. Without proper accountability, projects are incomplete and goals go unmet.

How effective are you in your current leadership of your staff and associates? Review each of these principles and allow the Lord to direct you on how you can improve on your current leadership.

Copyright © 2009 Patrice Tsague
Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

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