Abide in Christ

I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit, for without Me you can do nothing. John 15:5

In an earlier devotional we discussed how to be fruitful in the midst of the storm; we stated that being fruitful for a kingdom business means productivity that results in an acceptable net profit margin while manifesting the fruit of the spirit. We also stated that in order to achieve that fruitfulness the first thing that we must do is abide in Christ.

I realize that this is not taught in business school, and it is difficult for some to understand how abiding in Christ can lead to productivity that results in an acceptable net profit margin. Why are unbelievers able to achieve those margins without Christ? A personal relationship with Christ is not necessary to achieve financial gains, but a personal relationship with Christ IS necessary to cultivate and maintain the fruit of the spirit. Those who do not believe in Christ are able to achieve financial gains through proper diligence, good stewardship and sometimes a little cheating. Though this enables them to realize financial gain, they have money without its full benefits. That is a net loss in God’s economy.

A relationship with Christ provides the entrepreneur wisdom from above that enables him to create wealth without suffering the side effects that wealth brings. They also have an assurance of eternity and the expectation of the great heavenly rewards given to those who are used by the King to advance His kingdom in the earth. You truly cannot do business God’s way if you are not abiding in Jesus. To abide in Christ means to submit your heart and mind to God’s word and God’s will so that His rule may govern your life in everything you do. To abide in Christ is to wait and rest in Him, to completely turn over your agenda to Jesus, so that He may have complete control over your life and business affairs. How do you abide in Him?

1. Know His Word and will for your life – study the scriptures to know His Word and will for your life; and no matter what circumstances you go through, stand on that Word, confess that word, and do not move from that word.

2. Trust His Word and will for your life – things happen and there are times when cash is tight, expenses are growing, and it is uncertain how you will make it through. In these times, we are tempted to go another way, develop alternatives that may not be in line with what we know to be God’s will for us. This is a lack of trust in His Word and will for your life. Stay the course, make adjustments if necessary, but make sure they are in line with His word and will. Trusting the Word is to believe and act based on the Word.

3. Wait on Him – the toughest thing for us as entrepreneurs is to be patient, especially when things are difficult. Patience is needed when things are difficult – not when things are easy. You will be pressured – but do not yield to measures born of impatience because you think it will get you there faster. Simply wait. Completely surrender to God’s will, refuse to achieve success or accomplish your objectives at ‘whatever the cost’ but rather depend solely on God for everything. Do not force your way through, but pray your way through.

4. Rest in Him – completely cast your cares upon Him. Enjoy yourself on the lap of your Father. Become like that little child that is totally comfortable in the hands of her daddy because she is completely assured that her daddy will protect her no matter what – even if it means putting his own life in danger.

Abiding in Christ is not easy. Temptations, trials and tests come in midst of our business journey to cause us to leave that place of submission and rest. You may feel there is no other alternative – but this is the devil’s trick to move you into harm’s way and make you unprofitable. He does not want you to experience the benefits of Abiding in Christ. These benefits include:

1. Manifesting the fruit of the spirit

2. Provision

3. Peace that passes all understanding

4. Blessings without sorrow

Are you abiding in Him? Remember no matter how great your motives or noble the business, if you do not abide in Him severe consequences will ensue. If you are not abiding in Him, not only will you be robbed of the benefits, but all of your financial gains and all your accomplishments will be empty and meaningless. No matter how much money you make or what you accomplish, you will be cast into the fire and burned because you are a fruitless branch. Know His will and Word for your life – TRUST His will and Word for your life, wait on Him, rest in Him. Be patient – Abide in Him.

Copyright © 2010 Patrice Tsague ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

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