Category Archives: Biblical Entrepreneurship

To Fail or To Flourish: Does My Life and Work Really Matter?

previously published, updated for relevancy Dr. John Mulford, Director of the Regent Center for Entrepreneurship, spoke at an event co-sponsored by Regent University and the Acton Institute, To Fail or Flourish: Does My Life and Work Really Matter? This blog post was originally posted on the Acton Institute website. Read more from the Acton Institute

Business as Mission: People, Purpose, Planet and Profit

by Mats Tunehag Businesses shape the world. But how can we shape businesses to shape the world for good and for God? That is the underpinning question addressed in a new book about Business as Mission, BAM: Building the Kingdom Through Business. BAM is intentional about making a positive difference with regards to four bottom

Back in Rwanda: The Sizzle is On

previously published; dates may no longer be relevant by Jason Benedict Weekend 2/3-2/5 I made it here to Rwanda safe and sound.  I had a good seat on the airplane but had a heartbreaking conversation with a Ugandan lady who sat next to me.  She is now a US resident and was traveling back to

BDC Rwanda Celebrates the Graduation of its 12th Cohort

previously published; dates may no longer be relevant On December 15, 2014, the Rwanda Business Development Centre graduated 15 entrepreneurs from the entrepreneurship class. This is the 12th Cohort to successfully complete the program since it first began in 2010. The class is mainly comprised of young entrepreneurs who hope to successfully run a business.

Intensive Teacher Training with BDC Grad

previously published; dates may no longer be relevant We love to participate with the great things our BDC graduates are doing. On December 14, 2013, 21 Entrepreneurship teachers from all over Rwanda completed a 10-day intensive entrepreneurship course taught by RCE strategist Jason Benedict, Distance Consultant Richard Miller, and BDC graduate and entrepreneur Patrice Habinshuti.

Kingdom Business Leaders Discuss How to Change the World… and Do it Profitably

August 16, 2012 – Virginia Beach, VA – The question answered at the 2012 Kingdom Business Development Symposium (KBDS) in late July was, “How do we spread kingdom business, and make it profitable?”  The ensemble of participants at the symposium was exactly who you would expect.  Top executives from successful organizations that develop kingdom businesses

Progress, Progress, Progress for BDC Rwanda

February 9, 2012 Tonight we had open house, and I think we set a new record – We had 30 guests! We are running a contest among our entrepreneurs to see who can get the most interested people to attend an open house.  We know that the ability to be persuasive is key to entrepreneurial

Rwanda – The “Bread Basket” of Africa?

Saturday, October 15, 2011 Could Rwanda Become the “Bread Basket” of Africa? A week with Willy and Ben has made me a believer in their vision. As God showed Willy how to restore 8,000 acres of depleted land into a thriving farm and then Africa’s leading ecotourism park, God was also planting a vision for

Despite the Rain, Our Legacy Shines Through

Friday, October 14, 2011 Our Legacy: The Next Generation (and the generation after that) Twenty-two year old Patrice was a fountain of business ideas in our first Cohort of the BDC. We were wondering when he would choose just one and start it. Winning the 2011 Africa Innovation Prize (AIP) was the catalyst for his

OneMaker: Hope for a Jewelry Business for Deaf Artisans in Kenya

Blog post by Jana Harp Dean, President of OneMaker and consultant to organizations starting businesses to employ poor women in developing countries. OneMaker is a 501c3 organization that exists to be a tangible expression of God’s love to poor women and girls vulnerable to trafficking and other exploitation by giving them opportunities through education and